
I am trying to run an API script in Tabpy but it takes over the default (30 seconds) to run. I found in the Tabpy documentation the command to change the timeout.

I used (base) PS E:\Users\Mitchell_Leon> tabpy --config E:\Users\Mitchell_Leon\tabpy.conf which contains a config file in accordance with the Tabpy documentation



Which gave DEBUG:tabpy.tabpy_server.app.app:Parameter evaluate_timeout set to "30000.0" from config file or environment variable

When I attempted to run the script again I received the same error.

2022-03-29,11:20:54 [ERROR] (base_handler.py:base_handler:115): User defined script timed out. Timeout is set to 30 s.
You should be able to modify the timeout using the method you described. I was able to change mine successfully and get the script to run. Is it possible the timeout error is occurring somewhere else? can you share a more complete log file, perhaps?William Ledbetter