I am developing a project and I want to add to it a splash screen. I have checked questions here on Stackoverflow and other blogs and MSDN etc. but could not find the solution I am looking for.
I want my SplashScreen,
1- appear and stay on the screen 3-4 seconds but at the same time I want my Main Window NOT TO appear. When my splash screen fades out completely then Main Window should appear. Many of the examples I have checked out do not implement this. Even though I set SplashScreen.Close.(TimeSpan.FromMiliseconds(4000)) MainWindow still apeear immediately front or back of SplashScreen. They say "add an image to your project, make it's Build Action SplashScreen or Resource, if you want to handle fade out time go App.xaml.cs file and implement your own Main() method and put your logic." I know that already. It does not work.
2- If possible I want my splashscreen NOT TO fade out slowly. I want it to disappear suddenly.(if this is not possible or really hard for a intermediate developer to do it, it is ok. you may disregard.)
And please I want C# code not Xaml. My project is based on WPF adn .NET 4.0 client profile.
Thank you.