I am computing returns from data in a dictionary. My keys are dates and for every key I have a dataframe with data to compute my returns. To compute the returns I need data today and yesterday (t and t-1), hence I want to initiate from the second observation (key). Since I do not have much experience my initial thought was to execute like this:
dict_return = {}
for t, value in dict_data.items()[1:]:
returns = 'formula'
dict_returns[t] = returns
Which gave me the error:
TypeError: 'dict_items' object is not subscriptable
Searching for an answer, the only discussion I could find was skipping the first item, e.g. like this:
from itertools import islice
for key, value in islice(largeSet.items(), 1, None):
Is there a simple approach to skip the first key?
Thank you