
I can define an infinite data structure - aka lazy list - like this.

let 'a lazylist = Succ of 'a * (unit -> 'a lazylist);;

(Why can't I replace unit -> 'a lazylist with () -> 'a lazylist?)

The way I understand lazy data structures the above definition says that a lazy list consists of a tupel of a generic element 'a and a function unit->'a lazylist that will compute the next element in the list when called with () which is of type unit.

So e.g. I could generate a list that has every even number:

let rec even_list l = match l with Succ(a,l') -> 
if (a mod 2 = 0) then Succ (a, fun() -> even_list (l'())
else even_list (l'());;

The way I understand it: When fun() -> even_list (l'())) is called with the unit argument () it will call even_list with the successor of l' by giving it unit as an argument: l'()

But is it possible for the else even_list (l'());; part to lead to a Stack Overflow if we give even_list a lazylist as an argument that only consists of uneven elements e.g.? Whereas in the then part of the if-statement we only generate the next element of the list when called with () - in the else part we would search indefinitely.