I am making a POST request to a website which contains the store name, street and city for a number of stores, each in their own card on the webpage. I'm trying to record that data from the site using xpath. There are a small number of items (e.g. a store name) that cannot be read, generating an IndexError, and I am trying to handle those errors with a try-except.
In the below code, there is only an error when reading a single title variable, and appending that to a name list. My code catches the exception, but for some reason this 'X_NAME_ERROR_X' element is appended to the end of the list - e.g. ['place1', 'place 2', 'place 4', 'X_NAME_ERROR_X'], when I know that the exception is occurring in what would be 'place3'.
Is there a reason why python would append the excepted code variable at the end of the list, even thought the exception should have been raised before the end of the for loop?
rest_count = len(response.html.xpath('//*[@id="search-results-container"]//div[@class="mb-32 width--full"]'))
names = []
street_address = []
city_address = []
for item in range(rest_count):
title = response.html.xpath('//*[@id="search-results-container"]//div[@class="mb-32 width--full"]/h4/text()')[item]
except IndexError:
title = 'X_NAME_ERROR_X'
street = response.html.xpath('//*[@id="search-results-container"]//div[@class="mb-32 width--full"]/p[1]/text()')[item]
except IndexError:
street = 'X_STREET_ERROR_X'
city = response.html.xpath('//*[@id="search-results-container"]//div[@class="mb-32 width--full"]/p[2]/text()')[item]
except IndexError:
city = 'X_CITY_ERROR_X'
selects more things than the one you used fortitle
. – user2357112 supports Monica