I'm currently working on a Flash platform game and I'm trying to make each level have its own class that defines a hitTest function (Each class is linked to the MovieClip of the level), which would allow the character to walk on the level. Whenever I try to import the subclass into the Document class, errors start popping up and it is driving me crazy (Error 1120: Access of undefined property)!
Any kind of help would be appreciated!
Document Class (Class_Main.as):
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.Point;
import Level1;
import Level2;
public class Class_Main extends MovieClip
public var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false;
public var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false;
public var upKeyDown:Boolean = false;
public var downKeyDown:Boolean = false;
public var onGround:Boolean = true;
public var xSpeed:Number = 0;
public var ySpeed:Number = 0;
public var mainSpeed:Number = 3.75;
public var frictionPower:Number = 0.9;
public var jumpPower:Number = 15;
public var gravityPower:Number = 0.7;
public var terminalVelocity:Number = 75;
public var Level_1:Level1 = new Level1();
public var Level_2:Level2 = new Level2();
public function Class_Main()
// constructor code
public function init(event:Event)
public function Main(event:Event):void
public function checkKeysDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == 37)
leftKeyDown = true;
if (event.keyCode == 38)
upKeyDown = true;
if (event.keyCode == 39)
rightKeyDown = true;
if (event.keyCode == 40)
downKeyDown = true;
public function checkKeysUp(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == 37)
leftKeyDown = false;
if (event.keyCode == 38)
upKeyDown = false;
if (event.keyCode == 39)
rightKeyDown = false;
if (event.keyCode == 40)
downKeyDown = false;
public function moveCharacter():void
if (leftKeyDown)
mcMain.scaleX = -1;
xSpeed -= mainSpeed;
if (rightKeyDown)
mcMain.scaleX = 1;
xSpeed += mainSpeed;
if (leftKeyDown && onGround || rightKeyDown && onGround)
if (upKeyDown)
ySpeed -= jumpPower;
if (upKeyDown && leftKeyDown)
ySpeed -= 0;
xSpeed -= 10;
if (upKeyDown && rightKeyDown)
ySpeed -= 0;
xSpeed += 10;
if (xSpeed > 3 && ! onGround || xSpeed < -3 && ! onGround)
if (mcMain.currentFrame == 2)
if (ySpeed < -0.5 && ! onGround)
else if (ySpeed > 0.5 && ! onGround)
if (mcMain.currentFrame == 5 && onGround)
if (mcMain.currentFrame == 2)
if (! leftKeyDown && ! rightKeyDown)
if (mcMain.currentFrame == 3)
if (mcMain.skidAnimation.currentFrame == mcMain.skidAnimation.totalFrames)
//if (! leftKeyDown && ! rightKeyDown && ! upKeyDown)
public function dynamicMovement():void
mcMain.x += xSpeed;
xSpeed *= frictionPower;
if (xSpeed > 7)
xSpeed = 7;
if (xSpeed < -7)
xSpeed = -7;
mcMain.y += ySpeed;
ySpeed += gravityPower;
if (ySpeed > terminalVelocity)
ySpeed = terminalVelocity;
public function hitTest(event:Event)
spawnArea.visible = false;
mcMain.mcMainHitArea.visible = false;
Level_1.wallCollision.visible = false;
Level_1.deathArea.visible = false;
Level_1.goalArea.goalHitArea.visible = false;
while (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y,true))
if (! Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 1,true))
//upKeyDown = false;
if (! Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 5,true))
upKeyDown = false;
onGround = false;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 1,true))
ySpeed = 0;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 5,true))
onGround = true;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x - 9,mcMain.y - 25,true))
mcMain.x + 9;
mcMain.y + 11;
upKeyDown = false;
leftKeyDown = false;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x + 9,mcMain.y - 25,true))
mcMain.x - 9;
mcMain.y - 11;
upKeyDown = false;
rightKeyDown = false;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x - 9,mcMain.y - 11,true))
xSpeed = 0;
leftKeyDown = false;
if (Level_1.wallCollision.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x + 9,mcMain.y - 11,true))
xSpeed = 0;
rightKeyDown = false;
if (Level_1.deathArea.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 1,true))
mcMain.x = spawnArea.x;
mcMain.y = spawnArea.y;
if (mcMain.hitTestObject(Level_1.goalArea.goalHitArea))
if (stage.contains(Level_1))
Level_2.x = -400;
Level_2.y = -700;
public function vCamMovement(event:Event):void
/*for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren - 1; i++)
this.getChildAt(i).x -= xSpeed;
//levelObjects.getChildAt(i).y -= ySpeed;
Level_1.x += stage.stageWidth * 0.5 - mcMain.x;
Level_1.y += stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - mcMain.y;
Level_2.x += stage.stageWidth * 0.5 - mcMain.x;
Level_2.y += stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - mcMain.y;
spawnArea.x += stage.stageWidth * 0.5 - mcMain.x;
spawnArea.y += stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - mcMain.y;
mcMain.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
mcMain.y = stage.stageHeight * 0.5;
Level 2 (Level2.as):
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import Class_Main;
import Level2Walls;
public class Level2 extends MovieClip
public var classMain:Class_Main = new Class_Main ;
public var level2Walls:Level2Walls = new Level2Walls ;
public function Level2()
// constructor code
public function hitTest_2(event:Event)
while (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y,true))
if (! level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 1,true))
//upKeyDown = false;
if (! level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 5,true))
upKeyDown = false;
onGround = false;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 1,true))
ySpeed = 0;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x,mcMain.y + 5,true))
onGround = true;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x - 9,mcMain.y - 25,true))
mcMain.x + 9;
mcMain.y + 11;
upKeyDown = false;
leftKeyDown = false;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x + 9,mcMain.y - 25,true))
mcMain.x - 9;
mcMain.y - 11;
upKeyDown = false;
rightKeyDown = false;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x - 9,mcMain.y - 11,true))
xSpeed = 0;
leftKeyDown = false;
if (level2Walls.hitTestPoint(mcMain.x + 9,mcMain.y - 11,true))
xSpeed = 0;
rightKeyDown = false;