public class MainClass {
private static final int producerPoolSize = 10;
private static final int consumerPoolSize = 20;
private ExecutorService prodExec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(producerPoolSize);
private ExecutorService consExec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(consumerPoolSize);
//main method here, which calls start() below
private void start(String[] args) {
// Get list of ids, split them in to n(producerPoolSize) chunks
for (int index = 0; index < producerPoolSize; index++) {
Runnable producer = new Producer(consExec, chunkOfIdsForThisProducer);
public class Producer implements Runnable {
private ExecutorService consExec;
private List<Long> list;
public Producer(ExecutorService exec, List<Long> list) {
this.consExec = exec;
this.list = list;
public void run() {
for (Long id: list) {
data = get data from db for the id
consExec.execute(new Consumer(data));
public class Consumer implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// call web service
In the above code, I have two thread pools - one each for Producers and Consumers. I get a number of IDs from the database,split them in to equal chunks so that they are handed out to Producer threads to process. A producer thread receives a list of IDs and processes each sequentially, retrieving data for each of of the IDs and submitting that data to a Consumer thread to process. Now my question is this:
I create 10 producer threads above. And I want the size of the Consumer thread pool to be 20. But, while processing each ID, the Producer creates a new Runnable (Consumer) and submits (execute) it to the Consumer executor service. My understanding of the ExecutorService is that the Runnable that you submit to it,gets wrapped in a Worker thread and then executed. So, in the above code, if the number of IDs each producer gets is 50, am I actually creating 50*10=500 Consumer threads? Is it too many?
Or does the pool size actually means the number of worker threads? So in the above code I am creating 500 tasks on the Consumer executor which would actually be queued and executed by 20 worker threads? I may not be explaining this correctly, but slightly confused here around the internal implementation of the executor and worried if I am creating too many Consumer threads.
If this isn't the way to implement this, can someone suggest a better approach? Thanks.