The detailed data with booth space per customer comes from the table [ExhibitorClass_Details]. The measure [Class_Booth_Space_ALL]
classifies the customer by booth space to A,B,C or D.
To be able to use this measure in visuals I have a [Class] table as well with the static values A,B,C and D.
I need to find the MAX, MIN, AVG... booth space per Class.
To calculate the MAX booth space per classicication I have created this measure:
Visual Count Class MAX Booth Space ALL =
VAR _rank_class = SELECTEDVALUE('Class'[Class])
return MAXX('ExhibitorClass_Details', if([Class_Booth_Space_ALL] = _rank_class,
My measure gives the right results for MAX.
Visual Count Class MIN Booth Space ALL =
VAR _rank_class = SELECTEDVALUE('Class'[Class])
return MINX('ExhibitorClass_Details', if([Class_Booth_Space_ALL] = _rank_class,
Instead of giving me the MIN for every class (as shown in red) it just results in 0.
Visual Count Class MIN Booth Space ALL =
VAR _rank_class = SELECTEDVALUE('Class'[Class])
return MINX('ExhibitorClass_Details', if([Class_Booth_Space_ALL] = _rank_class,
I have also tried a second version but it gives the same 0 results. Can anyone please help me.
Here is the example [ExhibitorClass_Details] data:
and the measure for the classification:
Class_Booth_Space_ALL =
SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) >= [Booth Space ALL A CutOff],"A",
SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) >= [Booth Space ALL B CutOff]
&& SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) < [Booth Space ALL A CutOff],"B",
SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) >= [Booth Space ALL C CutOff]
&& SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) < [Booth Space ALL B CutOff],"C",
SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) >= [Booth Space ALL D CutOff]
&& SUMX(ExhibitorClass_Details, ExhibitorClass_Details[Booth_Space_ALLPREV]) < [Booth Space ALL C CutOff],"D",