
How do I convert square brackets to curly brackets in text using regular expression?

I'm trying to convert
this to

Can I do it in a simple way? I found this Link but it's PHP way.

I'm trying this on an IDE like IntelliJ or online regex tester like regex101.


Why not a normal String.replace('[', '{') (Even using String#replace(char, char) i.o. (String, String) or that regex replaceAll.Joop Eggen
I mean, not code level. This is an example format of input for array on competitive programming site. I'm using java(which uses {} for array initialization) I need to convert every time to paste that to my code.Heath Kim

1 Answers


In regex101 you can use the PCRE2 Replacement String Conditional trick.

Pattern :


Basically capture the brackets in seperate capture groups.

Substitute :


Or the golfcoded version


If group 1 not empty then replace with {.
If group 2 not empty then replace with }.

Test on regex101 here