
I have a wpf window with two usercontrols inside of which the second is only shown when needed. I only set the MinWidth of the window in XAML, the MinHeight is provided through databinding an ist set depending on if the second usercontrol is shown. Now: How can I set the size of the window to different values than the MinWidth/Height during runtime. I tried setting the values before the Show(), after the Show(), in various events (Initialized, Loaded, etc.). I tried with and without UpdateLayout(), I tried setting the Height/Width through databinding. Nothing works! But when I debug the approaches I see that the Height/Width properties of the window are set to the expected values, but ActualHeight/Width stay. I thought it would be a bagatelle but it turned out it is not (to me). Thy for any help.

That sounds a little weird. The windows should respect your settings for width and height. Could you post a minmal example?Jens
Is it possible you have Window.SizeToContent set to something other than Manual? If so, Width and/or Height will effectively be decoupled from ActualWidth and AcutalHeight.dlf

4 Answers


Have you tried to set

Application.Current.MainWindow.Height = 100;

Short addition: I just did a short test, in code:

public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
    private int _height;
    public int CustomHeight
        get { return _height; }
            if (value != _height)
                _height = value;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("CustomHeight"));

    public MainWindow()
        this.DataContext = this;
        CustomHeight = 500;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        CustomHeight = 100;

and the XAML:

<Window x:Class="WindowSizeTest.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="{Binding CustomHeight, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="525">
        <Button Click="Button_Click">Test</Button>       

Click on the Button sets the window height. Is that what you´re looking for?


You have no given much information, so I am just guessing here.

The only way I could reproduce the window not respecting its width and height settings was when I set SizeToContent to WidthAndHeight.


if someone is still struggling with this, the only thing you have to do is the following:

If you want to resize the main window just write the following code.

Application.Current.MainWindow.Height = 420;

If you want to resize a new window other than the main window just write the following code in the .cs file of the new window.

Application.Current.MainWindow = this; 
Application.Current.MainWindow.Width = 420;

Hope it helps.


I just simply set the window Height property.

Originally _myWindow.Height = 400;

And once the content required resizing I set it as follows:

double newWindowHeight = a + b; Where a + b make the window larger, and so:

_myWindow.Height = newWindowHeight;