
I am trying to code the game One Night Ultimate Werewolf for Discord. I already figured out the first steps, of choosing cards, and sending roles through direct messages. The next step, is to create commands through DM, such as "!seer " for the seer to do her action. The problem is... I don't know how to make the bot check if the message author is actually a seer. I was thinking on doing the following: (the variables like dargon, ven, rocky, etc. are player names, where they have their player id's stored. the variable like dargon_c, ven_c, rocky_c, etc. have the players' Werewolf cards assigned to them)

    global dargon_c, ven_c, nastith_c, rocky_c, petra_c, center_c, left_center_c, right_center_c
    target = await bot.fetch_user(dargon)
    await target.send('Your card is: ' + cards[0])
    dargon_c = cards[0]

    target = await bot.fetch_user(ven)
    await target.send('Your card is: ' + cards[1])
    ven_c = cards[1]

    target = await bot.fetch_user(nastith)
    await target.send('Your card is: ' + cards[2])
    nastith_c = cards[2]

    target = await bot.fetch_user(rocky)
    await target.send('Your card is: ' + cards[3])
    rocky_c = cards[3]

    target = await bot.fetch_user(petra)
    await target.send('Your card is: ' + cards[4])
    petra_c = cards[4]

    center_c = cards[5]
    left_center_c = cards[6]
    right_center_c = cards[7]

    ctx.channel.send("Some users didn't recieve their cards")

dargon_c = 'Seer'

async def seer(ctx):
  global see
  if ctx.author.id == dargon and dargon_c == 'Seer':
  if ctx.author.id == ven and ven_c == 'Seer':
    see = ctx.content[3:]

Well, so, is there any way I could do this without needing to do 100 if...then... for every single command?