Delphi 7 and QuickReports. Does anyone know how to implement a variable height detail band so that the area for a detail band is dynamically adjusted to best fit the loaded data from the query? Is this at all possible with QuickReports? If not, do you know of any product that facilitates this?
Components used: TQuickRep, TQRBand, and the particular control that will hold the variable size content is TQRExpr
The key piece of info not included in the answer is how to assign the expression to a TQRExprMemo since it doesn't have an expression property like TQRExpr. The answer to that is to enclose the expression in { } (eg. "{expression}") and assign it to the Lines property.
Set RemoveBlankLines to True, AutoStretch to True, AutoSize to False.
(sorry if the name isn't quite right - don't have QR or Delphi < XE on this machine), set AutoSize to True, AutoStretch to True, and IIRC there's a property to delete/suppress blank lines. I'll look when I get to the office in the AM for an example and try and post something if you don't have an answer by then. – Ken White