I am not sure why this is not working. For some reason when I implement the following code it does not jump to the correct scene or frame. I also tried using labels and frame numbers within the same scene.
When implemented the trace shows as it should "skip" but the movie does not jump correctly it actually jumps to the middle of animation and stops. I want the animation to be skipped the 2nd time the user comes to the site.
I am truly at a loss because I really think this should work. Here is the code:
var visit:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("beenHere");
if(visit.data.visits == "skip"){
gotoAndStop(1,"Scene 2")
visit.data.visits = "skip";
Here is a file to download (34mb)---sorry for the size http://www.corporatereport.com/SampleSites/bottle&vinesfla2.zip
**EDIT!!! If this can't be solved does anyone have an idea on how I can accomplish this a different way? (Skip to Scene 2 on the 2nd visit to the site)? Maybe a JS solution.
on the first frame doesn't work in the same way. – shanethehat