
Cnc plotter project on arduino. Components: 2 stepper motors 28byj-48 and servo motor sg-90. I do according to this scheme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1vzT-T8LJA&t=342s. Arduino version 18.57.0. Grbl version: 0.9v as in the video. gcode created on inscape version 48.5. I send gcode to arduino using UGS of the latest versions.

The problem is the following: grbl is being flashed. And when sending a gcode image to Ugs, the stepper motor drivers don't work. Stepper motors are not broken drivers either. Perhaps the problem is due to the versions of grbl. But I tried to change grbl versions to others but it doesn't work either.

We have no idea what you actually did, so we don't know what you did wrong. And since this doesn't involve any code you have written, this question is off-topic. ā€“ gre_gor
Iā€™m voting to close this question because Stack Overflow isn't tech support for DIY hardware. ā€“ gre_gor