
I want to check that an input string is a valid shareable Google Forms URL. The requirement is that the input string starts with 'https://docs.google.com/forms/' and ends with 'viewform?usp=sf_link'. I would like to use the .match() with a regex function to accomplish this.

My current function is

isFormsUrl(inputString) {
   return inputString.startsWith('https://docs.google.com/forms/') && inputString.endsWith('viewform?usp=sf_link');

This function works but I'd like to use regex match() instead of the startsWith() and endsWith() functions to stay consistent with my current codebase. I am very unfamiliar with regex. Thanks!


1 Answers


Try this:


.+ means there must be at least one character inbetween. If empty is acceptable, you can replace it with .*.