Most preprocessor abuse come from misunderstanding, to quote Paul Mensonides(the author of the Boost.Preprocessor library):
Virtually all
issues related to the misuse of the preprocessor stems from attempting to
make object-like macros look like constant variables and function-like
macro invocations look like underlying-language function calls. At best,
the correlation between function-like macro invocations and function calls
should be incidental. It should never be considered to be a goal. That
is a fundamentally broken mentality.
As the preprocessor is well integrated into C++, its easier to blur the line, and most people don't see a difference. For example, ask someone to write a macro to add two numbers together, most people will write something like this:
#define ADD(x, y) ((x) + (y))
This is completely wrong. Runs this through the preprocessor:
#define ADD(x, y) ((x) + (y))
ADD(1, 2) // outputs ((1) + (2))
But the answer should be 3, since adding 1 to 2 is 3. Yet instead a macro is written to generate a C++ expression. Not only that, it could be thought of as a C++ function, but its not. This is where it leads to abuse. Its just generating a C++ expression, and a function is a much better way to go.
Furthermore, macros don't work like functions at all. The preprocessor works through a process of scanning and expanding macros, which is very different than using a call stack to call functions.
There are times it can be acceptable for macros to generate C++ code, as long as it isn't blurring the lines. Just like if you were to use python as a preprocessor to generate code, the preprocessor can do the same, and has the advantage that it doesn't need an extra build step.
Also, the preprocessor can be used with DSLs, like here and here, but these DSLs have a predefined grammar in the preprocessor, that it uses to generate C++ code. Its not really blurring the lines since it uses a different grammar.