
I have this records in products table with product_id and its price

product_id price
1 150
1 190
2 20
2 12
3 123
4 513
5 157
5 147

and I want to get the top 3 products and arrange it by average price something like this

product_id price avg_price
4 513 513
1 150 170
1 190 170
5 157 152
5 147 152

how to write/code it in sql query or laravel eloquent query?

Would you like the top 3 to be the products of the highest average price or the top 3 common products?LUKASANUKVARI
Thank you for the response. Neither one from your question is what I am asking, I want to display top 3 products and arrange it by there computed average prices.Peter Parker

1 Answers

    SELECT product_id, AVG(avg_price) as avg_price 
    FROM products
    GROUP BY product_id

SELECT p.product_id, price, avg_price
FROM product p JOIN 
(SELECT * FROM AverageCTE ORDER BY avg_price DESC LIMIT 3) a 
    on p.product_id = a.product_id
ORDER BY avg_price DESC