i am using facelets jsf 2.0 with primefaces 3.0.M2 component library. i am trying to achieve dynamic numbers of rows including iput fields that are filled when a datatable selection occurs.
whenever a selection is made the dynamic rows generated correctly with input fields but after the first selection for following selections dynamic row count changes correctly but the input fields does not update and keeps showing inputs from the first selection.
here is how i iterate list in facelet;
<ui:repeat value="#{goalEntranceBean.selectedCard.parameterList}" var="prmBean" >
<li><h:outputText value="#{prmBean.lookUp.value}"/></li>
<h:outputText value="Weight:"/>
<p:inputText id="wx" required="true" value="#{prmBean.weight}">
<h:outputText value="Percent:"/>
<p:inputText required="true" value="#{prmBean.percent}">
my bean where i get the list of cards and set the selectedCard with rowSelect event in datatable.
@ManagedBean(name = "goalEntranceBean")
public class GoalEntranceAction implements Serializable {
private List<ScoreCard> personalCards = new ArrayList<ScoreCard>();
private ScoreCard selectedCard = new ScoreCard();
when i checked in debug mode i can see the true list but in screen the elements does not change.