
Using the RowValidating events works fine.

But if i click somewhere in the datagridview without changing the row the event is always fireed after selecting another contorl.

Sample-1 (correct):

Selecting a Row -> Selecting a Textbox -> Selecting antoher Row
                                          |->RowValidating raised

Sample-2 (incorrect):

Selecting a Row -> Clicking the Columnheader -> Selecting a Textbox  ->  Selecting antoher Row
                                                |->RowValidating raised  |->RowValidating raised

Sample-3 (incorrect):

Selecting a Row -> Clicking empty Area -> Selecting a Textbox  ->  Selecting antoher Row
                                          |->RowValidating raised  |->RowValidating raised

Is there any way to only get RowInvalidating before a row is realy changeing?

I already tried to override SetSelectedRowCore and was able the cancel the selection change, but the datagridview sends EndEdit() to the Binding before SetSelectedRowCore is fired.


1 Answers


I've found a little dirty workaround:

    private void dataGridView_RowValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e) {
        Point pos = dataGridView.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
        DataGridView.HitTestInfo hi = dataGridView.HitTest(pos.X, pos.Y);
        if (hi.Type == DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell && hi.RowIndex != e.RowIndex) {
            e.Cancel = !AllowChangeCurrent(); //Check if changing selection is allowed

First I get the Current mouse position in DataGridView.

Afterward I check if a cell if clicked. (False -> Finished)

At least I check if the clicked cell/row is not the current (False -> Finished | True -> Validate)