
I am trying to figure out if I can remotely control KeyNote running on a MacBook (connected to video projection system) from an iPad. Specifically, when lecturing, I would like to be able to create a trigger in my notes that would let me tap and jump to a specific keynote slide out of sequence.

I noted the Applescript given for jumping to a slide out of sequence (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6726444/want-applescript-to-change-a-keynote-presentation-to-a-particular-slide). That is helpful but I'm still missing a piece.

What I don't know is if/how I can remotely trigger such an applescript on the laptop from an ipad. So far haven't turned up any answers but I'm a newbie so maybe I'm not searching it out correctly. Appreciate any help.


2 Answers


I can think of 2 simple ways.

1) screen sharing. The iPad has screen sharing apps that you can use to view the screen of your mac and basically control it from the iPad.

2) ssh. There's also ssh apps for the iPad so you can ssh into the mac. From the command line you can run applescripts using the osascript command line tool.


Have a look at Eventscripts. It has a server app for triggers as well as remote execution from the ios app which also receives customized icons.