create proc bai5_3
declare @m int, @d int;
set @m = MONTH(ThuNhap_AnNV.NgayLap_3974);
declare @tmp int;
set @tmp = DAY(ThuNhap_AnNV.NgayLap_3974);
set @d = 0;
if(@m = 4 or @m = 6 or @m = 9 or @m = 11)
    set @d = @d + 30 - @tmp;
if(@m = 1 or @m = 3 or @m = 5 or @m = 7 or @m = 8 or @m = 10 or @m = 12)
    set @d = @d + 31 - @tmp;
if(@m = 2)
    set @d = @d + 28 - @tmp;
set @m = @m + 1;
while(@m <= 12)
        if(@m = 4 or @m = 6 or @m = 9 or @m = 11)
            set @d = @d + 30;
        if(@m = 1 or @m = 3 or @m = 5 or @m = 7 or @m = 8 or @m = 10 or @m = 12)
            set @d = @d + 31;
        if(@m = 2)
            set @d = @d + 28;
        set @m = @m + 1;
select cb.MaCB_3974, cb.HoTenCB_3974, count(bl.GioQuyDoi) [Tổng giờ quy đổi], (cb.HSNV_3974*dv.Tdv_3974*@d) [Tổng tiền lương năm 2021]
from CanBo_AnNV cb, ChiTietThuNhap_AnNV bl, DonVi_AnNV dv, ThuNhap_AnNV tn
where cb.NhiemVu_3974 like N'Trưởng%' and cb.MaCB_3974 = bl.MaCB_3974 and bl.MaTN_3974 = tn.MaTN_3974
and tn.MaDV_3974 = dv.MaDV_3974
group by cb.MaCB_3974 , cb.HoTenCB_3974, cb.HSNV_3974, dv.Tdv_3974

it said The multi-part identifier "ThuNhap_AnNV.NgayLap_3974" could not be bound.

i had tried the join statement but it still didn't work.

im running sql query on mySQL server

Please dont SPAM Tags!! They are designed to attract the correct audience for your question. Add only the relevant tags. I removed the conflicting Tags, please only add back the DBMS you are actually usingRiggsFolly
I assume that you are trying to set all values from column NgayLap_3974, from the table ThuNhap_AnNV. But you need to select only one value and pass it to the MONTH funcStanislav Balia
Thank you so much. It worksDat Nguyen