
SharePoint 2019 Search Service Application is showing Error and the service is not getting started,

Error:- The Search Service is not able to connect to the machine that host Administration components, Verify the administration component "GUID" in Search Application is in a good state and try Again

Tried Below Steps but nothing works

  1. Component Refresh:-
  • $ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication "Search Service Application"
  • $ssa.RefreshComponents()
  1. Service Provisioning:-
  • $service = Get-SPServiceInstance -Identity 7649ed8f-a46c-4a69-a79b-9a153b9f1fd2
  • $service.provision()
  • $service.update()
  • iisreset /noforce
  1. Remove Search Application:-
  • $ssa = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name 'Search Service Application'
  • Remove-SPServiceApplication $ssa While Removing the Search Application it got struck for more than 2 hours, then i need to restarted the timer Service until it completes the process, looks wired
  1. Creating the Search Service Application:-
  • $appPool = get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity 'SharePoint Web Services Default'
  • New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name "Search Service Application" -ApplicationPool $appPool

I need to restarted the timer Service until it completes the process, looks wired.