I've been trying to break loop if my else condition runs but it kept running. I tried return false, and only return as well. I tried returning false at different position but it still kept running.
if (a){
console.log("value to break before everything starts loop "+a)
return }
// if (a){
// console.log("value to break before within "+a)
// return false}
cy.contains('Coming Soon').each($visible=>{
if ($visible.is(':visible')) {
cy.contains('Coming Soon').should('be.visible')
} else {
console.log('else is running')
cy.contains('Coming Soon').should('not.be.visible').parentsUntil('.col-md-4').last().click()
// console.log("value before loop "+a)
// if (a){
// console.log("value after visibility loop "+a)
// return }
// console.log("value after visibility loop loop "+a)
// if (a){
// console.log("value after within loop "+a)
// return }
if (a){
console.log("value to break loop after within "+a)
return false;}