I have an Objective C static library that I am trying to import into MonoTouch using btouch. The problem that I am encountering, though, is that the library depends on libz.dylib and libxml2.dylib and I do not know how to include these frameworks in my MonoTouch application.
I have tested the static library in an XCode project and this test application compiles and runs correctly. I am now trying to build exactly the same sample application in MonoTouch, and am having problems getting the gcc_flags arguments right so that all the dependencies are included.
In the XCode application, the following frameworks needed to be included:
Also, in XCode, I had to include the following search path for it to find all the required header files: "$(SDK_DIR)"/usr/include/libxml2
Now, in MonoTouch I have the following set in my gcc_flags under the build options:
-v -v -v -gcc_flags "-framework CFNetwork -framework CoreGraphics -framework Foundation -framework MobileCoreServices -framework SystemConfiguration -I${ProjectDir}/lib/include -I$(SDK_DIR)/usr/include/libxml2 -L${ProjectDir}/lib/ -lOfflineRequest -force_load ${ProjectDir}/lib/libOfflineRequest.a"
When I try compile I get a long list of linking errors, which as far as I can tell are caused by libz.dylib and libxml2.dylib not being included during the linking. Does anyone have any idea how I can ensure that these get included in MonoTouch?