I have some 3rd party Flash SWFs on my site that are up to 100KB in size. e.g. the Flash video player "JWPlayer" SWF is 98KB.
That's fine for people with Broadband, but not so good for the slow dial up bandwidth visitors. e.g at 40 kbits/s, we're talking 20 seconds to download.
The problem is that on slow connections, all the visitors are seeing is a static white screen, and so may close the page thinking it's dead. If I right click the area where the SWF is to go, an Adobe Flash Player Object is occupying the space, but the 3rd party SWF has not finished loading in yet.
I would like the website visitors to see a loading spinner GIF or something similar.
Unfortunately, none of the 3rd party SWFs have "preloader" element. And they are not open source, so I cannot add a preloader to them.
So, my question is...
Is there any way to display a loading image, prefereably a GIF animation, while the SWF is loading?
For example, is there any way to force the Adobe Flash Player to show an image while it is loading in the SWF?
I don't have any Flash coding skills, so a solution that doesn't include creating an extra SWF or a SWF within a SWF would, probably isn't best for me, but might be worth adding to the post in case other people have a similar problem.
I am using swfobject 2.2 to embed the SWFs, so a solution that takes that into account or at least doesn't break that would help.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read my post, even if you can't help.