
I try to open a widows on image folder with library MGFetch,

i've no probleme in symbian^3, but on symbian^1 when i include :

  #include <MGFetch.h>

i've this error during building :

No rule to make target `\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian1Qt473\epoc32\release\armv5\LIB\mgfetch.dso', needed by `\QtSDK\Symbian\SDKs\Symbian1Qt473\epoc32\release\gcce\udeb\fichierSym1_Essai2.exe'.  Stop.

is it possible to use MGFetch on symbian^1 ?

i create a new project just with this line,and it's not working. i add this line on pro file :

symbian:LIBS += -lmgfetch -lbafl

if it's not possible to use it on symbian^1 what else can i use to have a image gallery ?


Have you added bafl.lib? Here's a page with a few other options: symlab.org/wiki/index.php/Apps:How_to_fetch_multimedia_filesfejd
Yes, same probleme when i add lbafl. i add this on post. i've try using Using CAknFileSelectionDialog, but i've a error too : "undefined reference to `PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath()'".i did not try last option.NicoMinsk

1 Answers


I had the same problems with the servicehandler lib. I could copy the files from the Symbian^3 SDK to Symbian^1 and it just worked. No guarantee for your libs of course.