
For an Android app, I want to have a custom image as a map but still display the user's location. A friend of mine created a map sketch in Photoshop and I'm displaying this using an ImageView. On top of that, I want the user's location, but if I add a Mapbox Map and set every layer to invisible and/or transparent, the location appears but the background is black instead of my ImageView from below.

If instead I set the "background" attribute of the MapView in xml to my image, then the user location does not appear anymore (I suspect it's hidden behind the background which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but ok).

How could I achieve this? I've scoured a lot of resources, and even though I tried many things (trying to include my image as a Mapbox layer, making all layers invisible, transparent, etc), no solution seems to work. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!