I have an app that subsets a data frame based on two variables and prints the result.
# Define a toy data frame in which variables are not crossed.
d = tibble(
colour = c('blue','blue','yellow','yellow'),
thing = c('the sea',"my lover's eyes", 'the sun', 'campari')
# Define UI for application that takes two vars and returns text
ui <- fluidPage(
# Sidebar with two var filters
selectInput("my_colour", "Pick a colour:",
selectInput("my_thing", "Pick a thing:",
# Print text
# Server logic: subset d based on input, print output
server <- function(input, output) {
output$my_text <- renderText({
d %>%
colour == input$my_colour,
thing == input$my_thing
) %>%
pull(thing) %>%
paste(collapse = ', ')
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
The first sidebar input (my_colour) in principle restricts the second one (my_thing) since some things are yellow, others are blue.
Currently, picking a value for my_thing that doesn't exist in my_colour results in an empty string, which is fair enough.
I'd like to set things up so that the input choices for my_thing are restricted based on the input choice for my_colour so that when my_colour == yellow the only options available in the drop-down menu for my_thing are the sun and campari, while when my_colour == blue these are the sea and my lover's eyes.
This requires some sort of a reactive something and I'm not sure how it would work exactly.