
Ok, my issue is that I don't ever want to do a google search. And that's how it normally goes, my default search engine is set to StartPage.com (underrated, every browser has DDG as option, almost none has StartPage) and why would I go there? How could I accidentally?

I don't remember, maybe it was a link from another page, but it's not the whole internet I want to modify to not give me google search result pages. They're not going to be the same for me anyway, the other guys might have really different results. StartPage at least doesn't give different results to different browser and machine - and I trust DDG doesn't either - but of course different sites rankings change, etc. Whatever happened, maybe it was my own search with some weird method that defaulted to google - I dunno. But if it were ever to happen again, I'd love to redirect it instantly.

But I digress... I want the earliest moment that GreaseMonkey script can detect it's loading a google search results (not just something from google.com) to ask "now whatsa doin there fuu!?" and redirect with the same search terms to Startpage.com.

I can figure the URL changes if need be, I'm not new to programming, just never became very familiar with ECMAScript, so it would be enough to show the basic idea. Anyway, I'm not going all fancy and trying to decipher all googles special markings and replace them, if possible even, with StartPage's. Oh, and if someone want's to write an implementation of it all, and still have that nerd juice left and flowing through them, recognizing and redirecting correctly a search that is an Image Search, not a normal one, I would be ever so thankful.

I voted to close this question because it is not a programming question. Rather, it is about configuring your web browser. This question might be appropriate for Super User.Stephen Ostermiller