
I have a Blazor WebAssembly (Core Hosted) solution for testing purpose. I test 2 different scenario:

  • 1st one: publishing the server side on Azure and the client side inside a storage account.

  • 2nd one: publishing everything on Azure

FYI my solution is composed of 3 projects

  • Client
  • Server
  • Shared (Razor Class Library) <-- with some Blazor components + css + js + ...

The 1st scenario

For publishing the server side: right click on the Server project then choose Publish, then choose Azure (fill in settings,...) then start the publishing process.

For publishing the client side: right click on the Client project then choose Publish, then choose Folder, then start the publishing process. Next, I used the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer app to upload files (located in \bin\Release\net5.0\browser-wasm\publish\wwwroot\ ) inside the storage account.

I clearly see that:

  • my static assets (css, js, ...) are inside \wwwroot\ _content\
  • my dll files (Prolog.Client.dll, Prolog.Shared.dll among many others) are inside \wwwroot\ _framework

And everything is working as expected.

The 2nd scenario

For publishing everything on Azure, simply right click on the Server project then choose Publish, then choose Azure (fill in settings,...) then start the publishing process.

Everything is working as expected.

Thanks to the kudu website (https:// myappxxx. scm .azurewebsites.net/) I can browse files on my server. I easily located my dll files inside the wwwroot folder on the server (Prolog.Client.dll, Prolog.Server.dll, Prolog.Shared.dll among many others).

But what is obscure to me is to know where are physically located my static assets ? Where are my css and js files ?

Can I use the Kudu website to browse through folders to find them ?

enter image description here

For example, below, my javascript file named main.js. I tried to use the Kudu website to locate it on my server where it has been published without luck. I don't find any _content folder nor Prolog.Shared folder.

enter image description here