This simple problem reoccurs many times for me in .NET with WinForms. I have a textbox and would like to treat the Enter key as the same as the Tab key, as in whenever I press enter, I want lostfocus to be raised, the next control to be Focused, etc. I have noticed many similar questions to this, and I can solve the problem by capturing the KeyDown and when Enter is detected to move the focus, but what I am looking for is a best practice and if not for insight on where the Textbox control detects the Tab key internally and how it does it's thing so I can just add an "|| key == Keys.Enter". This would stop Keydown from being raised and instead move focus to the next control and raise other appropriate messages.
I checked this similar question before .NET TextBox - Handling the Enter Key but it isn't what I really want to accomplish. What i really want to do is to as early as possible interpret ENTER as TAB in the Textbox control or intercept and change the Enter to a Tab and let the Textbox do it's thing.
Edit: Here's something along the lines of what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure the "safety" of modifying the Windows message like this...
class FancyTextBox : TextBox
public bool TreatEnterAsTab { get; set; }
const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
const int KEY_TAB= 9;
const int KEY_ENTER = 13;
public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg)
if (TreatEnterAsTab && msg.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.WParam.ToInt32() == KEY_ENTER)
msg.WParam = new IntPtr(KEY_TAB);
return base.PreProcessMessage(ref msg);