
I have a very locked down Sharepoint environment where I can use only the Sharepoint Designer or the Sharepoint web interface. I cannot deploy code.

I have list A and list B. User Robert starts a workflow from list A and I need to populate the workflow email with a value from list B (lookup user Robert in List B and give me the ID value).

Is there a way to do that in a constrained environment such as the one I'm using?



1 Answers


I have used AJAX in the past to query a separate list on page load, though I can't find the code at the moment. There are several web services exposed by SharePoint that allow querying and this page seems to offer a solution that may be able to be adapted, using SOAP and jQuery. If I can find the time and the code, I'll happily post what I can soon.

EDIT: Workflow notifications can have links to the item being created or modified (whatever triggered the email) - If you have not seen this page: Send e-mail in a workflow, then it contains instructions for several modifications, including links to the item. With Sharepoint Designer, you can modify the View-Item page for items in that list so that they display other information related to the item, such as Richard's information.