
I have a path which is a semi-circle. How do I make the corners rounded? I do not want to use stroke-linecap: round as I need it to be rounded only on these corners: enter image description here

    <!--background -->
    <path fill="none" stroke-dasharray="" stroke-width="16" stroke="#607985" d="M30 100 A 40 40 0 0 1 170 100"></path>
    <!-- strokes -->
    <path id="meter-back" fill="none" stroke-width="15" stroke="white" d="M30 100 A 40 40 0 0 1 170 100"></path>
    <!--progress -->
    <path id="meter-fill" fill="none" stroke-dashoffset="219.942" stroke-dasharray="109.971, 109.971" stroke="rgba(96,121,133,0.7)" stroke-width="15" d="M30 100 A 40 40 0 0 1 170 100" stroke="#607985"></path>
