
I have a simple form with a few required field validators and a validation summary control. When I submit the form, the client validation will cause the form to jump to the top of the page. If i remove the validation summary, the page does not move.

Heres a quick example:

<asp:TextBox ID="test" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="testrequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="test">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="summary" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="submit" runat="server" Text="submit" />

I've tried setting SetFocusOnError="true" in the required field validator and MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" for giggles - even though this isn't a postback - without any luck. Is there a known solution for this problem?


I've found the problem in the js generated by WebResource.axd. Seems to come down to a single line in the ValidationSummaryOnSubmit() function.

line 534: window.scrollTo(0,0);

Any ideas on how to remove or bypass this?


Quick work around for the time being:

  • set EnableClientScript="false" for all validation controls (disabling client validation)
  • set MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" in Page directive

Still hoping for a client side solution...


It seems a better work around is to just override the window.scrollTo() function so that it does nothing when called by the validation script:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.scrollTo = function() { }

Adding the above anywhere on the page leaves the client validation in tact, but disables the window.scrollTo() method throughout the page

I'm not familiar with this, but does it append a '#' to the end of your URL? Sometimes this will cause the page to jump to the top.Cᴏʀʏ
@cory, no the html generates an submit button input not an anchor linkAdam
For edit3: This does not help when you have a validation summary on top of page and one at the bottom. The top one never gets focus.Zo Has
A quick fix could be to rewrite the method "ValidationSummaryOnSubmit(validationGroup)". That way we could get the position of the validation summary and "scrollTo(x,y)".Nordes
Exemple with jQuery to get the position: window.scrollTo(0,$(summary).position().top);Nordes

9 Answers


Two possible work arounds:

Disable client validation and jump to correct position on post back:

* set EnableClientScript="false" for all validation controls (disabling client validation)
* set MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" in Page directive

Disable the scrollTo function in javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.scrollTo = function() { }

This is a known bug, as documented on Microsoft Connect. The relevant issue has the basis for the best work around:

var ValidationSummaryOnSubmitOrig = ValidationSummaryOnSubmit;
var ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = function() {
    var scrollToOrig = window.scrollTo;
    window.scrollTo = function() { };
    var retVal = ValidationSummaryOnSubmitOrig();
    window.scrollTo = scrollToOrig;
    return retVal;

Instead of

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.scrollTo = function() { return true; }

which would indiscriminately override the ScrollTo function for all postbacks, I put the function in my OnClientClick event of the button. As below.

onClientClick="window.scrollTo = function(x,y) { return true; };"

Not sure if it's the best solution, but it seems to have done the job for me.


As stated by cleek's answer, this is a known bug having workarounds.

Here is bdukes one, which looks to me as the best currently available.

(function () {
  var originalValidationSummaryOnSubmit = window.ValidationSummaryOnSubmit;
  window.ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = function (validationGroup) {
    var originalScrollTo = window.scrollTo;
    window.scrollTo = function() { };
    window.scrollTo = originalScrollTo;

(He has not posted it directly here on SO, and now the connect issue seems to require registration for being seen, which renders his workaround harder to access.)


I use this: (requires jquery and jquery.scrollTo)

First you put an anchor with a specific class above your validation summary, like so:

<a class="custom_valsum_anchor" />
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="valSum" runat="server" EnableClientScript="true" />

then include this bit of javascript:

        function () {
            var $valSum = $(".custom_valsum_anchor");
            if ($valSum.size() > 0) {
                var backup_ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = ValidationSummaryOnSubmit;
                ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = function (validationGroup) {
                    var backup_ScrollTo = window.scrollTo;
                    window.scrollTo = function () { };
                    window.scrollTo = backup_ScrollTo;
                    setTimeout(function () { $("body").scrollTo($valSum); }, 1);


Basicaly, it replaces, when necessary, the ValidationSummaryOnSubmit function with a version that temporarily disables window.scrollTo and scrolls to the anchor. It should not be to hard to modify so that it does not use jquery.


The page is going to jump to wherever your validation summary is. If you'd like it to stay near the bottom, move the validation summary down near the submit button.

EDIT, you can also try turning the validation summary off.


I was running into an issue where using MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback=true would work but would break client-side validation scroll position. So I added a script to bring the validation summary control into view on a postback.

 private void FocusControlOnPageLoad(Control ctrl)

          typeof(System.Web.UI.Page), "ctrlFocus",
              function ScrollView()
                 var el = document.getElementById('" + ctrl.ClientID + @"')
                 if (el != null)
              window.onload = ScrollView;


protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (Page.IsValid == false)

It seems that I also have to have the scrollTo function blanked out:

window.scrollTo = function() {
            return true;

Got the code (mostly) from here.


Perhaps you could inherit from the required fieldvalidator and override the client side validation in a custom control?


Look at setting the target schema for your html.

Try http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6379d90d(VS.71).aspx

Prior to VS 2005 you could set the schema on a page by page level.

Just a thought.