What I am trying to achieve I feel should be fairly simple yet it is driving me totally insane.
Background: We run a system monitoring tools across our clients which has the ability to run .vbs scripts remotely. This works very well normally.
What I am trying to achieve currently is being able to read a line from the registry on both 32bit versions of windows and 64 bit versions.
The Client side.exe which monitors the machine runs as a 32bit process on BOTH platforms (This is the trick).
I want to read a key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ for example. My script works perfectly fine on 32bit. example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\anything")
The problem I have is when I run this same line on a 64bit folder is is automatically looking in the wow64node folder. Example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow64node\").
I need to have it checking in EXACTLY the same place.
The key it is reading is part of a program that runs both 32bit and 64bit versions which is why it is not installed in the wow64node folder.
At this point I am unable to run the .VBS script as a 64bit process which would solve my problem entirely as it would then not look in the wow64node folder.
If anyone has any ideas at all please let me know.