
What I am trying to achieve I feel should be fairly simple yet it is driving me totally insane.

Background: We run a system monitoring tools across our clients which has the ability to run .vbs scripts remotely. This works very well normally.

What I am trying to achieve currently is being able to read a line from the registry on both 32bit versions of windows and 64 bit versions.

The Client side.exe which monitors the machine runs as a 32bit process on BOTH platforms (This is the trick).

I want to read a key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ for example. My script works perfectly fine on 32bit. example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\anything")

The problem I have is when I run this same line on a 64bit folder is is automatically looking in the wow64node folder. Example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow64node\").

I need to have it checking in EXACTLY the same place.

The key it is reading is part of a program that runs both 32bit and 64bit versions which is why it is not installed in the wow64node folder.

At this point I am unable to run the .VBS script as a 64bit process which would solve my problem entirely as it would then not look in the wow64node folder.

If anyone has any ideas at all please let me know.


2 Answers


I solved it using this piece of code.

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
sPath = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\2.0.50727.0", "Path", 64)
WScript.Echo sPath

' Reads a REG_SZ value from the local computer's registry using WMI.
' Parameters:
'   RootKey - The registry hive (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa390788(VS.85).aspx for a list of possible values).
'   Key - The key that contains the desired value.
'   Value - The value that you want to get.
'   RegType - The registry bitness: 32 or 64.
Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
    Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams

    Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
    oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType

    Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")

    Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
    oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
    oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
    oInParams.sValueName = Value

    Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)

    ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

Thank you Helen for your help!


Instead of WshShell.RegRead, use the WMI StdRegProv class — it allows you to specify whether you want to read from the 32-bit or 64-bit registry. Check out this MSDN article for more info and examples:

Requesting WMI Data on a 64-bit Platform