Thanks to much help here, I'm well on my way toward building my first Erlang release. No real code yet, but I want to understand how it's done. I've consulted and followed several web tutorials as well Martin et. al., but still seem to be missing something.
When I try to start my release I get:
lloyd@Reliance:~/Programming/Erlang/learn$ sh rel/learn/bin/learn start
[: 129: Node '[email protected]' not responding to pings.: unexpected operator
Under the project directory "learn" I have:
apps rebar rebar.config rel
In rebar.config, I have:
{cover_enabled, true}.
{sub_dirs, ["rel","apps/zzz", "apps/zzz_lib"]}.
In ...learn/apps, I have:
zzz zzz_lib
zzz and zzz_lib have all the right stuff in them so far as I can tell. From lean, I can clean, compile, and create docs.
In .../rel,I have:
files learn reltool.config
See reltool.config below.
I'm missing magic sauce, but what?
Many thanks,
{sys, [
{lib_dirs, []},
{rel, "learn", "1",
{rel, "start_clean", "",
{boot_rel, "learn"},
{profile, embedded},
{excl_sys_filters, ["^bin/.*",
{app, sasl, [{incl_cond, include}]}
{target_dir, "learn"}.
{overlay, [
{mkdir, "log/sasl"},
{copy, "files/erl", "{{erts_vsn}}/bin/erl"},
{copy, "files/nodetool", "{{erts_vsn}}/bin/nodetool"},
{copy, "files/learn", "bin/learn"},
{copy, "files/app.config", "etc/app.config"},
{copy, "files/vm.args", "etc/vm.args"}