There are already a lot of good answers, but since you are uninformed about grammars, parsers and compilers etc, let me demonstrate this by an example.
First, the concept of grammars are quite intuitive. Imagine a set of rules:
S -> a T
T -> b G t
T -> Y d
b G -> a Y b
Y -> c
Y -> lambda (nothing)
And imagine you start with S
. The capital letters are non-terminals and the small letters are terminals. This means that if you get a sentence of all terminals, you can say the grammar generated that sentence as a "word" in the language. Imagine such substitutions with the above grammar (The phrase between *phrase* is the one being replaced):
*S* -> a *T* -> a *b G* t -> a a *Y* b t -> a a b t
So, I could create aabt
with this grammar.
Ok, back to main line.
Let us assume a simple language. You have numbers, two types (int and string) and variables. You can do multiplication on integers and addition on strings but not the other way around.
First thing you need, is a lexer. That is usually a regular grammar (or equal to it, a DFA, or equally a regular expression) that matches the program tokens. It is common to express them in regular expressions. In our example:
(I'm making these syntaxes up)
number: [1-9][0-9]* // One digit from 1 to 9, followed by any number
// of digits from 0-9
variable: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* // You get the idea. First a-z or A-Z or _
// then as many a-z or A-Z or _ or 0-9
// this is similar to C
int: 'i' 'n' 't'
string: 's' 't' 'r' 'i' 'n' 'g'
equal: '='
plus: '+'
multiply: '*'
whitespace: (' ' or '\n' or '\t' or '\r')* // to ignore this type of token
So, now you got a regular grammar, tokenizing your input, but it understands nothing of the structure.
Then you need a parser. The parser, is usually a context free grammar. A context free grammar means, in the grammar you only have single nonterminals on the left side of grammar rules. In the example in the beginning of this answer, the rule
b G -> a Y b
makes the grammar context-sensitive because on the left you have b G
and not just G
. What does this mean?
Well, when you write a grammar, each of the nonterminals have a meaning. Let's write a context-free grammar for our example (| means or. As if writing many rules in the same line):
program -> statement program | lambda
statement -> declaration | executable
declaration -> int variable | string variable
executable -> variable equal expression
expression -> integer_type | string_type
integer_type -> variable multiply variable |
variable multiply number |
number multiply variable |
number multiply number
string_type -> variable plus variable
Now this grammar can accept this code:
x = 1*y
int x
string y
z = x+y
Grammatically, this code is correct. So, let's get back to what context-free means. As you can see in the example above, when you expand executable
, you generate one statement of the form variable = operand operator operand
without any consideration which part of code you are at. Whether the very beginning or middle, whether the variables are defined or not, or whether the types match, you don't know and you don't care.
Next, you need semantics. This is were context-sensitive grammars come into play. First, let me tell you that in reality, no one actually writes a context sensitive grammar (because parsing it is too difficult), but rather bit pieces of code that the parser calls when parsing the input (called action routines. Although this is not the only way). Formally, however, you can define all you need. For example, to make sure you define a variable before using it, instead of this
executable -> variable equal expression
you have to have something like:
declaration some_code executable -> declaration some_code variable equal expression
more complex though, to make sure the variable
in declaration matches the one being calculated.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you the idea. So, all these things are context-sensitive:
- Type checking
- Number of arguments to function
- default value to function
- if
exists in obj
in code: obj.member
- Almost anything that's not like: missing
or }
I hope you got an idea what are the differences (If you didn't, I'd be more than happy to explain).
So in summary:
- Lexer uses a regular grammar to tokenize input
- Parser uses a context-free grammar to make sure the program is in correct structure
- Semantic analyzer uses a context-sensitive grammar to do type-checking, parameter matching etc etc
It is not necessarily always like that though. This just shows you how each level needs to get more powerful to be able to do more stuff. However, each of the mentioned compiler levels could in fact be more powerful.
For example, one language that I don't remember, used array subscription and function call both with parentheses and therefore it required the parser to go look up the type (context-sensitive related stuff) of the variable and determine which rule (function_call or array_substitution) to take.
If you design a language with lexer that has regular expressions that overlap, then you would need to also look up the context to determine which type of token you are matching.
To get to your question! With the example you mentioned, it is clear that the c++ grammar is not context-free. The language D, I have absolutely no idea, but you should be able to reason about it now. Think of it this way: In a context free grammar, a nonterminal can expand without taking into consideration anything, BUT the structure of the language. Similar to what you said, it expands, without "looking" anywhere else.
A familiar example would be natural languages. For example in English, you say:
sentence -> subject verb object clause
clause -> .... | lambda
Well, sentence
and clause
are nonterminals here. With this grammar you can create these sentences:
I go there because I want to
I jump you that I is air
As you can see, the second one has the correct structure, but is meaningless. As long as a context free grammar is concerned, the meaning doesn't matter. It just expands verb
to whatever verb without "looking" at the rest of the sentence.
So if you think D has to at some point check how something was defined elsewhere, just to say the program is structurally correct, then its grammar is not context-free. If you isolate any part of the code and it still can say that it is structurally correct, then it is context-free.
a * b
? – Bo Persson