I'm using Fastlane match in a lane on Bitrise.
The lane correctly runs match, with the output under the heading "Installed Provisioning Profile", saying the installed profile is named: "match Development com.xxx.yyy"
When I check that profile in the App Developer Portal (it's the only profile I've got set up), the name matches, and the portal says "Enabled Capabilities: Associated Domains, Game Center, In-App Purchase, Push Notifications").
Yet fastlane gym still reports:
error: "<app name>" requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
The lane is:
lane :ios_build do
type: "development",
app_identifier: "com.xxx.yyy",
git_url: "https://#{ENV['MATCH_GIT_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['MATCH_GIT_PASSWORD']}@gitlab.com/<project>/<repo>.git",
storage_mode: "git",
team_id: "<team id>",
app_identifier: "com.xxx.yyy",
readonly: true
disable_automatic_code_signing(path: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcodeproj")
scheme: "<scheme name>",
workspace: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcworkspace"
enable_automatic_code_signing(path: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcodeproj")
Any ideas?
Regards, Andy