
Column A in my sheet has checkboxes. I'm writing a simple script to find the checkbox that is checked (cell value = TRUE), make it unchecked (change it to FALSE), and then check the next checkbox in the column (make that cell value = TRUE).

Here's my code:

function nextCheckbox() {

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()

  var checkmarks = ss.getRangeByName("update_checkmarks").getValues().flat(); //this range is column A
  Logger.log(checkmarks.indexOf(true)); //this logs 8.0, which is the correct row for the checked box in column A

  var rowNum = checkmarks.indexOf(true); 

  Logger.log(rowNum); // this logs 8.0, as expected

  var cell = sheet.getRange(rowNum,1);
  cell.setValue(false); //nothing happens here...
  var cell = sheet.getRange(rowNum + 1,1);
  cell.setValue(true); //nothing happens here...


Logging logs the expected row number (8.0). But nothing happens when I use setValue. What am I doing incorrectly?


1 Answers


Instead of using setValue consider to use check() / uncheck()

The above because checkboex might use custom values for checked / unchecked states.
