
I want to publish a jpg graph image or a table of them in TeamCity's build status page.

I'm trying to use the plugin Build Result Decorator for TeamCity to add a results page which doesn't seem to be working as expected. Wonder if anyone has a solution. When installed it creates this area (highlighted below) in the build status page, and should render a html in there. But it shows a download file requestor instead of rendering the HTML.

enter image description here

Im testing with a basic page

<h1>hello TC</h1>

I've added that like this:

enter image description here

Here is the config as code along side the NUnit xml feature.

features {
    feature {
        type = "BuildResultDecorator"
        param("artifactFilename", "status.html")
    xmlReport {
        reportType = XmlReport.XmlReportType.NUNIT
        rules = "**/result.xml"

Has anyone got this working correctly ? Or is there an alternative to this?


1 Answers


Figured this out: This is possible without plugin.

Under the Project setting you add a Project Level report or Build level report (which will create a tab in either of those screens) and point it at a html artifact that you saved in the build. Then in Global settings you can either disable protection in a secured environment or specifically provide a URL to retrieve the html artifact.

Documented here

Publishing 3rd Party reports

Global settings for artifacts