Source #1 of 3 - says -
"Snowflake maintains detailed metadata for each table into which data is loaded ... This load metadata expires after 64 days..." followed by an explanation of the LOAD_UNCERTAIN_FILES copy option. This option tells Snowflake whether or not to load files whose metadata, being over 64 days old, has been purged.
#2 of 3 - says -
"Snowflake retains historical data for COPY INTO commands executed within the previous 14 days... Use the LOAD_HISTORY Information Schema view to retrieve the history of data loaded into tables using the COPY INTO command"
#3 of 3 - says -
"This Account Usage view can be used to query Snowflake data loading history for the last 365 days (1 year). The view displays load activity for both COPY INTO statements and continuous data loading using Snowpipe. The view avoids the 10,000 row limitation of the LOAD_HISTORY View."
Question #1 #3 seems to supersede #2, as the duration is 365 days and it maintains metadata not only for bulk loads, but continuous loading as well. Also, apparently there's a row limit on #2. The view in #3 is available only to the ACCOUNTADMIN role by default. But if Snowflake does have the information for the last 365 days, why force the use of LOAD_UNCERTAIN_FILES after just 64 days?
Question #2 Aren't sources #1 and 2 inconsistent?