I am trying to upload the image in base64 format on CLOUDINARY
cloud_name: CLOUDINARY_NAME,
Two approaches I have tried
1. Let newPhoto=''//hardcoded value
try {
const myCloud = await cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload(newPhoto, {
folder: "UserPhoto",
width: 150,
crop: "scale",
}catch (error) {
return next(new ErrorHandler(error.message, 500)); }
2. cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload("",
function(error, result) {console.log(result, error); });
I am receiving the below response
undefined {
message: 'Server return invalid JSON response. Status Code 404. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0',
name: 'Error',
http_code: 404
Error: Server return invalid JSON response. Status Code 404. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
I have used the same base64 image string which they have provided on their official document
This is the link -https://cloudinary.com/documentation/upload_images#file_source_options
section-Upload via a base64 data URI
How can I upload the base64 image in cloudinary