
Last week I had a user reporting that the QR code he was scanning was not redirecting him to our app but sending him to the web application instead. I made a standalone application to understand how the deep links work and my tests results were the following:

1 - When trying to scan the QR code for my link (The same I have at nav_graph) it only pops up the option to open at the browser

2 - When I click the link the bottom dialog for the starting options comes up and there is my app as suggestion.

Since I couldn't find anything related to my issue I decided to ask you guys for help.

Here is my nav_graph.xml and AndroidManifest:

nav_graph.xml: https://gist.github.com/cesarmatt/5da1bc4dab3200e2c0369454a7b65422

AndroidManifest: https://gist.github.com/cesarmatt/6fd46326a8f54d3f8094832b49242267