I'm currently rewriting an XSLT macro to display child nodes of the current page, depending on what querystring variables are set for 'month' and 'year'. This is used for a news listings page which displays articles for a certain period.
In the old macro, I am looping through and selecting nodes where the month part of the "newsDate" property (which is a datepicker field) and assigning them to the nodelist variable. $Displaymonth is gathered from querystring.
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/*[@isDoc]">
<xsl:sort order="descending" select="newsDate" data-type="text"/>
<xsl:if test="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime(newsDate, '%M') = $displayMonth">
<xsl:copy-of select="." />
I am having trouble creating a similar list of nodes using razor syntax. Assuming the querystring month is August, I have tried things like
Model.Children.Where(umbraco.library.FormatDateTime(newsDate,'M') + " == 8");
Model.Children.Where("Convert.ToDateTime(newsDate).Month == \"8\"");
Model.Children.Where("newsDate.Month == \"8\"");
Model.Children.Where("newsDate.Value.Month == \"8\"");
The debug errors mostly complain that there is no property "month" inside my newsDate variable. Either that or "No property or field date exists in type 'Func`2'". It seems to be treating my Datepicker property as a string whatever I do, as described here but I am using the latest version of umbraco.
How can I find children by converting the month/year of a datepicker property (a DateTime object within Umbraco) and comparing that to a variable? How can I even get this date property and extract the month/year, while inside a .Where statement?
accepts a lambda expression so you're using a wrong syntax. Look it up. – Dan AbramovDatePicker
data type in C# so I have no idea whatnewDate
is and can't give you an example. – Dan Abramov