I'm trying to create an Audio Unit Extension without success. I'm doing the following steps:
1- Creating an empty iOS project
2- Creanting an empty Audio Unit Extension with any subtype code, any manufacturer code, and Effect Audio Unit type
3- After that I'm running the app in my iOS device
4- Then, I'm opening Garage Band for iOS and looking to "Plug-ins & EQ" section finding for my Audio Unit and it isn't showing
5- If I enable Mac Catalyst, running the same app in my mac doesn't shows the Audio Unit in Garage Band for Mac either
I can see the Audio Unit in Garage Band of both app running Apple official example available here, but I can't figure out which detail I'm missing (I considerer that a plain empty project from Xcode templates should work straightforward, I've already worked with iMessage Extensions and that worked easy as that). Any help?