
I am trying to set a stream equal to the text content of an embedded resource in my ASP.NET Core project. However, when debugging, the stream is continuously being set to null, and I assume that this is because of the fact that it cannot find this embedded resource to begin with.

I have set the file as an embedded resource by going to Properties > Build Action > Embedded Resource. And then I have also edited the projects .csproj file to include an item group which references the file to include:

  <EmbeddedResource Include="Assets/loyalty-template.html">

Where I set the stream:

string body;
using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Assets/loyalty-template.html"))
       TextReader tr = new StreamReader(stream);
       body = tr.ReadToEnd();

Am I referencing the embedded file correctly in the GetManifestResourceStream? Below is the file structure of my project where loyalty-template.html is situated:

enter image description here

Call GetManifestResourceNames to find out if the resource is there and under what name.Wiktor Zychla
Isn't it much easier to just set the file as copy to output directory and then File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("Assets", "loyalty-template.html"));?Camilo Terevinto
It should be {ProjectDefaultNamespace}.Assets.{filename}, i.e. namespace + dot separated pathIvan Stoev

1 Answers


Use the following path: [assembly name].[directory].[file name].