This one is driving me crazy.
Replaced our old Windows 2000 web server with a Windows 2008 one which means moving to IIS7.
Now the move went smoothly except for the search catalogs we had set up on the old machine.
I added the Indexing Service and created the catalog for our website.
However, now the classic ASP page that queries the catalog is behaving strangely.
Specifically, the "vpath" and "doctitle" are blank. Other fields are being returned correctly like "characterization" and "rank" but others are not.
And the most annoying part is anytime I make a change to the search results page I get this error:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
...and I have to wait a couple of seconds before retrying. And then the page will come up fine. Very bizarre.
Anyway, here's the classic ASP code:
Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
With objQuery
.Catalog = "Website"
.Columns = "doctitle, vpath, size, characterization, rank"
.SortBy = "rank[d], doctitle"
.MaxRecords = 50
End With
objQuery.Query = "(#filename *.asp) AND (@contents " & Request.Form("searchterms") & ")"
Set rsSystem = objQuery.CreateRecordset("nonsequential")
Do Until rsSystem.EOF
%><dt><a href="<% = rsSystem("vpath") %>"><% = rsSystem("doctitle") %></a></dt>
<dd><% = rsSystem("characterization") %>...</dd><%
Anyone else experience this?