
I'm going through the Programming Elixir book and currently got to the point of creating a little console using mix escript.build (similar to this documentation example: https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.Tasks.Escript.Build.html#module-example)

Now, it produces an executable myprojname in the project folder, which is cool and good.

BUT I really don't want to track executables in source control.

Coming from .NET, I'm used to .gitignore just ignoring anything under the /bin path, but the binary Elixir generates is:

  • in the project root
  • has a different name in every project

What's the best practice for .gitignore-ing escript files in Elixir project?

So far I've added this line to .gitignore and it works:


But is there a better way that I'm missing? (In .NET, pretty much all projects have the same .gitignore file, because anything to be ignored is usually under a pre-defined path such as /bin, /obj etc. or has an extension like .solutionuseroptions.


1 Answers


You should have it explicitly listed in your .gitignore. That's how Livebook does, for example.

One alternative way is using the --path option, where you can set a custom name or folder to compile the project. Make sure to ignore this path in .gitignore.

mix escript.build --path executable.ignoredextension
mix escript.build --path ./ignored_folder/executable