I am having problem with cairolatex terminal in gnuplot.
I am setting my terminal as follows:
et terminal cairolatex eps rounded size 5,3 font ',17' standalone background "#9e9e9e"
The background is set up properly outside of the plot, but remains white inside of the plot area. I have also tried "transparent" with the same problem. Basically, the automatically generated file filename-inc which is included in the latex is incorrect.
In the attached picture you see grey background of the beamer slide with include pdf generated with gnuplot via cairolatex.
It drives me crazy.
Edit: Here is minimal code.
set terminal cairolatex eps rounded size 5,3 font ',17' standalone background "#9e9e9e"
set output "graph.tex"
set xlabel "x $x$ [$\\mu$s]"
set ylabel 'Spot size $\sigma$ [\AA]'
set yrange [-1.1:1.1]
plot sin(x) notit lw 5, \
cos(x) notit lw 50 lc rgb "#77ff0000", \
.5*sin(.9*x) notit lw 30 lc rgb "#200000ff"
unset output
Just run gnuplot on the config file followed by pdflatex graph.tex
I am using gnuplot 5.4 patch 2 on Mac via MacPorts.
Thank you.
set terminal epslatex rounded size 5,3 font ',17' standalone nobackground
works, but it does not honour line transparency. Same issues prevail wheninput
is used insteadstandalone
. -- Radovan – Radovan Urban