I have a function calculate binomial expansion with optional parameters to specify the beginning and ending term:
(defun comb-index (s k)
(let ((combinations nil))
(labels ((rec (s k offset entry)
(cond ((equal s k)
(push (reverse (loop
for i from 1 to s
do (push (1- (+ i offset)) entry)
finally (return entry)))
((equal k 0)
(push (reverse entry) combinations))
(t (rec (1- s) (1- k) (1+ offset) (cons offset entry))
(rec (1- s) k (1+ offset) entry)))))
(rec s k 0 nil))
(nreverse combinations)))
(defun binomial (k &key (start 1) end)
(let ((b start)
(e (if (null end) k end)))
(labels ((rec (i)
(cond ((equal i e)
(comb-index k e))
(append (comb-index k i) (rec (1+ i)))))))
(rec b))
When I compile and run this code, it will yield the following run time error:
Unhandled memory fault at #x18.
[Condition of type SB-SYS:MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR]
This is caused by e, but I'm not sure why. I can avoid this problem by assigning 'e' with either 'k' or 'end', or simply using a (when ... ) to set 'end' to 'k' if it's nil, but I'm not sure why this doesn't work.
(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (safety 3)))
on my OS X, everything is fine now. – sudo